Isaiah 54:1 "Sing, barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband." says the Lord
As I read this verse in the middle of a Sunday morning service, I realized that God had finally answered my questions and pleas. I also realized I had opened my heart to him enough to allow an answer in.
I didn't know on November 1, 2006 how much of a burden I was going to carry when I went under the knife. I was so focused on relieving the pain, I was sure I could deal with any emotional side effects that hit me.
Over the next year I was too busy watching my world fall apart to care about the emotional side effects I was pushing aside. I was having to deal with too many other emotional problems.
Finally in the summer of 2007, I hit rock bottom. I had no where to turn to for comfort. I was too ashamed and angry to turn to the one that could help me the most. So I kept digging in the rocky terrain that makes up rock bottom trying to run from my troubles.
By spring of 2008 I was running out of steam. I couldn't not deal with the emotional issues anymore. I have to find an outlet.
In late 2007 I started to visit a church with a friend and that's when God started chipping away at my walls. I still resisted. Who does God think he is anyway?
Over the next several Sundays the pastor preached on marriage and what a husband's role is, what a wife's role is in a marriage, etc. according to the Bible. I can't even begin to tell you the emotional turmoil I was in. Every sermon reminded me of what I wanted and how much of a failure I was. I refused tofall back on old habits though. Something was pulling me forward.
Finally in the spring of 2008 God finally broke through my hatred and bitterness. I was too emotionally worn out to keep him out any longer. I finally started to listen. One by one, like science projects in the fridge, we began to identify each problem and throw them out.
First to go was my hatred and bitterness toward my failed marriage. That turned out to be easier than I expected. I realized I never loved him and had married him out of selfish desires. I was more upset at myself for being so stupid.
Next I had to goodbye to the anger toward my parents. The feelings of betrayal, sibling unfairness, and lack of support took a while to work through. I finally realized that being mad at them was only hurting me.
Then my anger at being barren had to go. First I had to identify that I wanted a child before I could work through the anger of losing that option. Lying to one's self is so much easier! Working through this took a lot of love and patience on God's part. I had just realized how much I wanted children and the implications of my surgery finally hit me. I didn't want to let God off the hook so easily.
As each one of the badly rotted dishes were thrown away, I started to realize where the real stink was coming from, the dirty refrigerator. It reeked of neglect and abuse. Stains that I knew would never come out. This old, battered, beat up, good for nothing refrigerator was of no use to anyone. No one would want to buy it, heck you probably couldn't pay someone to take it! I sat down and cried over how worthless I was. Now that I didn't have all that hate and bitterness at everyone else in there, I could finally see how much I hated myself and how much I blamed myself for such horrible acts I had done.
I pushed God away when he tried to hold me. I knew no one wanted something as worhless as me! I was empty with nothing to put back in.
On March 23, 2008, God finally showed me how much he wanted me. By showing me all the sins I had committed and reminding me how he died for those sins. He showed me how much he cared!
I didn't know how I deserved his love or even if I truly could accept it 100%, but I knew I desired him and really wanted to make up for all my wrong doings.
Since that miraculous day, God has shown me I don't have a debt to repay to him. He took care of it all on the cross so that I can accept him love in its fullest capacity. No strings attached.
The day I accepted him and his love, that old beat up, worthless refrigerator became brand new. The stains were gone, the stench was gone. It took a long time for me to see that I didn't have to wipe away the stains or that they were still there. He had already taken care of them.
The more I opened myself up to his love, the more I found I could love myself and start to love others. With love came forgiveness of myself and others and through that forgiveness I was finally able to have peace in my life.
I can not change the past. I still pray that one day the good Lord will bless me with a child, but for now I have the promise of Isaiah 54:1. The other stuff in my past is just a beautiful reminder that God gives second chances. It serves as a reminder of how I no longer want my life to be and a life that I no longer have to live.
I am a forgiven, redeemed, blessed child of God now and though I will never be perfect, I will always remain forgiven.
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