Sunday, November 20, 2011


I apologize for it being so long since I updated my blog. For a long time I had no internet and things have been very busy and interesting. In the last year God has blessed us in so many ways. There is not enough typing space for me to name all the blessings that have been bestowed on me. I can tell you that I am back in school and looking to finish my Business Management degree and double major in Spanish. My husband and I have now celebrate 2 wonderful years together and we are just growing closer. We now teach a couples class at Southside Baptist Church and God has blessed us with many couples who influence our lives! God has also blessed me with some very good friends and they have helped to keep me on the right path. I am so blessed that God has been helping me grow as a woman, person, and a wife.
I am also going to be an Aunt that I am very excited about and we are patiently waiting to see if it will be a niece or a nephew. God has also been very faithful in our finances, but we have also been very faithful with Him.
That is about all for now, but I will slowly be updating through my studies and as God lays things on my heart. I know He loves to use my life to make His word known and I am okay with that because He saved this life so long ago. Thank you for following me and I hope you are blessed by this blog!

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