Friday, December 30, 2011

An Adventure to Remember

Today was a vey exciting day. My best friend asked me to come along to get a bed for her stepdaughter. It was in Jasper, Fl so I said why not. We get in her van and get the kids loaded and off we go. We put the ladies address into the TomTom so that we could find our way. Along the way the kids are playing and talking giving us some adult conversation time. We get to the exit that TomTom claims is the correct exit and continue to follow its wise directions. We turn down this dirt road and us being from a small town in GA didn't think much of it until it turned into an ATV trail and it suddenly started to get very tight on the road. We kept thinking that it had to come out on a main road somewhere right? The next thing we know we are on hunting land in a wildlife management area and we are officially lost. So we try to backtrack. That didn't work because we had gotten turned around. My best friend, Bri, is on the phone with the lady to see if she knows where we might be and I am on the phone with 911 trying to see if they can find us. The 911 operator is pinging my phone to see if she can find us. At this point we have gone way beyond squealing pigs and banjos. The lady that Bri is talking to says she can find us and they are on their way to come get us. I hang up with the 911 operator with the promise to call and let her know whether or not we got out of the woods. We finally find the road we came in on and there are our lifesavers ready to lead us back to civilization. Of course I call the operator back to inform her there was no need to send the Calvary in after us. She was glad that we were able to find our way out. Needless to say Bri and I were so happy to see our saving angels. Mackinsey tried to inform us that they weren't angels because they didn't have any wings and we promptly informed her that some angels don't have wings. We get to the people's house and get the bed loaded up. We then proceeded to go out the very simple way we should have come in. TomTom is now renamed DumDum. But did our adventure end there? Of course not. We are on our way back. Kids are fed and talking and singing in the back when Bri sees a puppy on the side of the road. I told her to turn around because they kids and us adults were worried about him getting hit. So we go back and there's the puppy all skinny and pitiful. So I pick him up and we go to the nearest house to be told that it was a stray that had been around for a couple of days. I politely bit my tongue and took the poor puppy off their hands. He was very sweet all the ride back and rode very quietly. We got to Bris and the poor puppy had to have a bath due to the fleas on him. We wrapped him in a towel and brought him home. I gave him a bowl of food, took my stepdaughter to her friends house, caught up for a few minutes with my friend and then came home and ate and am currently watching TV. It has been a great day and I have made some great memories with my best friend. I am so thankful that God allows us to make these memories. I am also thankful he gave us some angels down here on Earth to help us lost people find there way. There very well could be a great message in that statement! Now I am going to bed and put a close on this what's lost is found day.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Adopted By Christ

I had a divine appointment yesterday. Steve and I were keeping my best friends, boyfriend's two kids. They are very sweet and adorable. They are 6 and 4 and have a lot of energy. Needless to say now that they have left our house feels a little empty.
Yesterday a firend of mine posted that there was a fair going on and that it was free. So I decided to take the kids since Steve had just got off work and he wasn't feeling so good. I figured he could use a couple of hours of quiet and the kids couple use a couple of hours out of the house. So we make it to where they are having the fair and we walk up. Apparently my friend had no idea that this was set up for the kids in foster care. Thankfully they let the kids go in and they got to play for a little while. The people were very kind.
When we walked in there were kids everywhere. I couldn't believe all the kids. Babies all the way up to teenagers of every size, shape, color, etc. And the foster parents ranged in age from young to old, black to white, short, to tall, etc. You get my point. The kids were so fun to watch and they were so charming. They were having a great time.
Then they went to give out the gifts that the community had been generous enough to donate. They had two bikes and a flat screen TV for the parents. It was wonderful to see the giving. Every foster child got a gift.
My heart was full to bursting by the time we left and it reminded me how selfish we can be during the holiday season. We tend to focus on what we are getting or what we are giving to those close to us, but what about to those that don't have the luxury of having people who truly care about them. What about that child who is spending Christmas with strangers, or that elderly person who has no family left. What about the homeless person under the bridge that can only hope they will get a meal or that person who thought success would bring him happiness. Do you ever stop to consider anything other than you and your family during this season that should be based solely around the greatest gift we were given....eternal life. Do we focus more on the material gifts that we are given or do we focus on loving those that Jesus would love if He were physically on Earth now?
It really opened my heart and my eyes to see these children getting to celebrate a good Christmas with children like them. Thankfully these children were able to see that there were people who really did care and that they were not forgotten. It was wonderful to see the generosity of the businesses and communities in their giving to be able to provide gifts for the children.
I know my mind is already working on a way to give to these children. Most of these children aren't there because of something they did, but the selfishness of their parents. It was more than apparent in the eyes of some of the older kids that were there. One in particular stands out to me. She was a very pretty girl. Probably around 12 or 13. She is in the Methodist Home. In other words, no one will ever adopt her. She will age out of the system and then who knows. Maybe she will go to college. Maybe she will make something of herself, but the reality is that she will probably end up on the streets for a while or maybe find some guy who might take care of her, but who knows at what price. She may end up on drugs or with a criminal career. There are so many roads that this girl could possibly take and due to being forgotten she will probably choose one that will harm her. To look into her eyes you would understand why I say this. Her eyes were hard. She had built that wall around her heart so that she couldn't be hurt anymore. To think that a young girl has already learned how to guard herself to the pain. Does she know that she has a heavenly Father that will take that pain or does she even believe that a good father can even exist? It is so sad to think, unless something changes, she will probably always have that hard look to her eyes. She will always be fighting for her place in society.
I tell you about all this not so that you will write a check to some foster agency so that these children will have a little more for Christmas. I write because these kids don't need money. These kids need people to surround them and love them. They need people to show them God's love does exist and isn't some fairy tale that they can't believe in because they dont' have that luxury. When are Christians going to put foot service to lip service. We are so quick to write a check because we can keep some distance to the problems in our community. We don't have to be soiled by them. But we forget that's exactly what Jesus did. He got down in the trenches and loved the orphaned and the widow. He loved the whore, the dirty tax collector, and the religious man whose heart turned to repentance. A man raised from the dead was a close friend and everyday hard working men were his followers. The rich man turned away from him and His own people on Earth crucified Him. And yet He died for them all so that we could give the ultimate gift to each other by telling them of God's love for them.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Identity in Christ

So I have gone back to school and it is a different experience going back and being 10 years older than a lot of my classmates. It is intimidating because you know they are looking at you as the older more mature person. In a sense it gives me accountability and that is really neat.
I also tend to watch people from a different perspective than I did 10 years ago. I see things in a new way not only as an older person but in comparison to my life 10 years ago. I see so many girls that remind me of me at that age. I wish I could say that with pride, but I say it with shame because I was not the example I should have been. I wasn't a Christian, though I claimed to be, and I did not set a good example for many of my peers. I was a follower of the people around me instead of letting the people around me follow me to God.
I was listening on the radio the other night about being happily single because God can use you in a different way that what He can use married people. And whereas I am glad I am married to my wonderful husband, I can see where Paul was going with this. There are so many benefits to being a Godly single person.
I know we are taught from very young that being married is the only way to be. Marriage is a great thing, but it isn't for everyone and it isn't the earlier the better in a lot of cases. So many young people today wrap their identity around their relationships that they lose who they are or never learn who they are by themselves and with Christ. I know because I did this. I was so busy trying to please the person I was with at the time that I compromised what was precious and dear to me. I never learned to stand on my own without someone being there to hold me up. My identity muscles were weak, I guess you could say.
I have now worked on figuring out my identity and who I am in Christ, but it has been a long road. It would have been a lot easier to do on my own and when I was young than having to deal with it now when I have so much baggage piled on top of what God really wants to shine through. I regret very much that I didn't take the time to learn how to be me without someone else.
I am always encouraging young people to be single for a while and be able to figure out who they are without another person around. Especially young women who are taught that they are only complete with someone or once they get married. That's why we see so many women unhappy in marriage is because they don't figure out who they are before they try to love someone else.
Why do you think God tells us to love other AS YOURSELF. You can not love anyone else until you love yourself. You have to love yourself through the good, bad, ugly, and completely unbearable! You can only love yourself with the love of Christ. Otherwise it is downright impossible.
I thank God everyday that He put me with a man that has allowed me to work through the baggage with God only and didn't interfere while I had to do this. But it was also a very trying time for our relationship that thankfully we were able to work through. But I do regret that I didn't take the time to figure out how to survive without a man in my life before I got married the first time.
Here is my request, especially to the young women out there. Please go to college, get a job, and live on your own for a while. Let God show you that you don't have to sacrifice who you are in Him to have a relationship. Then let Him bring the right guy into your life and you will see how great a relationship based on God can be because you were confident in yourself in Christ. And if God wants you to be single. Rejoice in being single because He will use you in mighty and amazing ways!
We will always have struggles, but why make it any harder than it has to be.Figure out who you are in Christ before you complicate the situation by adding someone else. If you are not confident in Christ as yourself then you will take on the personality of the other person and lose yourself. Then you will end up resenting that other person down the road when you realize that you no longer know who you are.
And above all remember God loves you even when it feels like no one else does! He the perfect Father, Husband, Friend, Confidant, and above all Lord.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I apologize for it being so long since I updated my blog. For a long time I had no internet and things have been very busy and interesting. In the last year God has blessed us in so many ways. There is not enough typing space for me to name all the blessings that have been bestowed on me. I can tell you that I am back in school and looking to finish my Business Management degree and double major in Spanish. My husband and I have now celebrate 2 wonderful years together and we are just growing closer. We now teach a couples class at Southside Baptist Church and God has blessed us with many couples who influence our lives! God has also blessed me with some very good friends and they have helped to keep me on the right path. I am so blessed that God has been helping me grow as a woman, person, and a wife.
I am also going to be an Aunt that I am very excited about and we are patiently waiting to see if it will be a niece or a nephew. God has also been very faithful in our finances, but we have also been very faithful with Him.
That is about all for now, but I will slowly be updating through my studies and as God lays things on my heart. I know He loves to use my life to make His word known and I am okay with that because He saved this life so long ago. Thank you for following me and I hope you are blessed by this blog!

Waiting on God

It's amazing how God will teach you patience whether you ask for it or not. People always think I am crazy when I say that I am trying to be patient or that I am praying for patience. Why shouldn't I pray for patience since that shows an attitude of wanting to do what God wants in my life instead of resisting His teaching because I have a negative attitude about it?
I realize that this is a revelation for most of you because everyone always says "Don't pray for patience." Have you ever analyzed what you are saying to God when you don't pray for patience. You are saying I am going to resist you if you try to do anything in my life that I don't want you to do. Instead of having that open heart and saying "Okay God you are trying to teach me something here and I am going to have a good attitude about it." Think of Paul who was put in jail. Don't you think one of the lessons he was learning while he was in jail was patience? He probably would have rather have learned patience at a different time or a different way, but God wanted him to fully rely on His plan and His timing. Then look at Jonah who was impatient for God to destroy Ninevah. Don't you think that if his heart had of been open to being patient and allowing God to work that he would have seen the blessing that came out of it instead of pouting on a hillside?
Praying for patience isn't setting yourself up for unwanted trials and tribulations it is a matter of attitude. It is telling God that I am going to trust you to take care of all things and I am going to have a great attitude to go along with it. God is going to teach you patience whether you pray for it or not. It is a certainty. God promised tribulation and trials as part of our Christian walk. What attitude are you going to have? Are you going to say "Please Lord teach me your patience so that I may endure the trials and tribulations with a good attitude" or are you going to not pray for patience and suffer through the trials like a little kid pouting about having to do your chores? The choice is yours to make and it is all a matter of the heart.